I’m a mother, teacher and a trauma survivor.
For years my trauma defined who I was because I refused to acknowledge it and get the help that I so desperately needed because I was afraid of retraumatizing myself by constantly having to relive it.
Eventually I was told that I had a terminal illness and frankly, I was sick of being used and discarded as though I was a ragdoll. After grieving, I decided to focus on helping myself.
The good news is that death is no longer knocking on my door.
I’ve come up with a way to help myself over and over again so that when something traumatic occurs, I no longer fall into the trap of victimhood.
These strategies have helped me as a person and with my students (my little ones and adults).
It’s a simple strategy that I love to teach because it yanks you right off of your worrying hamster wheel and into your healing journey that you can do or teach on your own terms.

My Top 5 Episodes
1. 3 Simple Autism Organizational Skills for Students (For Teachers and Parents)
2. How to Handle Difficult Behaviour in the Classroom (For Teachers)
3. 5 Simple Ways to Support a Student with ADHD (For Teachers and Parents)
4. How to Understand and Know Your Fear (Trauma Healing)
5. How to Feel Motivated and Good About Yourself (Trauma Healing)

We’re In This Together!