Sizzling Summer SALE!!!! Everything you need for the summer and for report cards are ALL 20% OFF from June 11 – 14! Visit my store for more details and leave a comment. Thank you in advance. I hope you enjoy
Sizzle in the Sun!

Sizzling Summer SALE!!!! Everything you need for the summer and for report cards are ALL 20% OFF from June 11 – 14! Visit my store for more details and leave a comment. Thank you in advance. I hope you enjoy
WHY YOU SHOULDN’T PROCRASTINATE! Are you looking for any possible excuse not to write report cards? Last year, I was drowning in paper work and was struggling to keep on top of it all. Honestly, I was thoroughly exhausted at
May Money Saving Tips! Over the past 13 years, I have read and learned a lot about financial planning. Some of the advice was helpful, while other either did not work for me or made absolutely no sense to me.
Saving Money Gradually Even though I am not financially struggling because I do not like debt. I have decided that I want to go back to school in evenings after work and I do not want to take out a