Superpowers for Superheroes - Colourful Teaching For You

We Are All Superheroes!

My favorite superhero is without a doubt, Superman. I have watched every episode of The Adventures of Dean Cane and Lois Lane multiple times, along with all of the other movies and television shows that go along with it.

This year, I wanted my theme to make an impact on my students’ lives. I therefore chose to have a superhero theme. Before they even walked into my classroom, they would have noticed my bulletin board with superhero images calling out their names to help fight a robotic octopus. This octopus was put drawn and put together by my husband.
After doing a few Back to School Drawing and Coloring Activitieswe talked about some school and classroom expectations and engaged in some fun icebreakers to get to know each other. We did these over the course of a few days to build a sense of trust, care and comfort.
Within that time, I introduced the concept of a superhero.  We filled out our K-W-L graphic organizers as we discussed all of the superheroes we know and the qualities they possess. We then analyzed real-life superheroes and how their qualities compare to the ones on television. We looked at our favorite qualities and then thought about how they might relate to us. We were really excited to realize that we can be superheroes too.

I then modeled how out to fill out the Superhero sheets by showing them the example in the package and discussing various sentence starters. Students then filled out their own sheets. I used these sheets to showcase their work to parents at Meet the Teacher Night, which the parents absolutely loved. I asked that the parents not take it home with them because a week later, I took down the superhero pictures and my students names and replaced them with their superhero sheets.
The students were so proud of all of their hard work. I have watched them excitedly showing it off to their friends and parents even though they knew that their parents have already seen it. When I take these sheets down, I will create a portfolio for each of my students and put their work into it.
When I initially created these Superhero sheets, I had only envisioned showcasing it on my bulletin board. I had not realized that they could be used for multiple purposes until I saw my students talking to each other about their superpowers and showing it off to others. Noting the pride and joy in their eyes, I decided to include it into other aspects of our curriculum. It is also a great way to evaluate their writing development as I chose to do this at the beginning of the year. However, this can be incorporated into any and all aspects of your lesson planning. I sincerely hope you and your students take this further than me. In the comments below, please let me know how you incorporated into the curriculum and your thoughts on the activities.
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Superpowers for Superheroes

4 thoughts on “Superpowers for Superheroes

  • March 15, 2019 at 11:13 am

    Great theme! I love how easy it is to lead this into discussing how to be a real life superhero! That octopus is amazing btw.

  • March 15, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    We should join forces and put our products together! Don’t know how we’d do that, though.

    • March 19, 2019 at 4:14 am

      Oh my goodness! Yes! I would love to work with you. Perhaps next year as I am currently busy with night school after working full time during the day but that would be amazing as you truly inspire me.

  • March 15, 2019 at 7:31 pm

    I really like this theme of superhero – what it means for you as a teacher, what is means for your students at the interact with you and your class, but also what is shows them they can be in their own lives. Nice post! Love the bulletin board too.


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