Your instincts or intuition kicks in and speaks to you from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. For some of us, myself included, this takes place in our dreams as well. These messages take the form of the voice in your head, the people that you meet, or the things that you encounter.
It’s not easy to take note of all of the messages that are sent our way, but there are specific ones that we encounter a few times. When this happens, it’s your intuition kicking in. When you don’t listen to it, it becomes bigger and turns into a problem, which eventually turns into a crisis and then into a major disaster.
I’ve had this happen to me a number of times where it’s turned into a major disaster because I chose to ignore the message. Either because I was afraid or because I just wanted to do my own thing at that time.
I’ve gotten into some bad situations with people because I didn’t follow the intuition of trust.
Notable Steps:
#1. Trust
If you don’t trust someone or you feel icky around that person, follow that instinct and move away from them. Then look at why you felt that way to ensure it wasn’t just a thought. Generally, though, unless you’re trying to be mean, which you hopefully aren’t, you can feel that discomfort, deep down in your gut. This rule generally applies to those who are generally good with people. If social skills are something you need to develop, learn more about this before making the leap.
#2. Fear
If you’re heading toward a dangerous situation, your intuition will scream at you to stop because it’s looking out for your safety. If this happens, make sure you listen and walk away. Then assess the situation after.
#3. Calling
If you have an idea or you’re genuinely excited about something, like I am about these topics, then take the leap and see where it goes. Now I’m not saying abandon everyone and everything when you do that. Take some time to think through it and take a small action toward to see where It’ll lead you. Don’t linger on the thought process because you can run into imposter syndrome really easily. I have a free resource to help you out if this happens. This particular concept works best if you take a small action first so that you can learn and grow from it.
NOTE: Make sure to learn the difference between the voice that tells you not to do something because of imposter syndrome, which we’ve talked about before (see the link associated with this video), and the one related to fear (which we’ll talk about in a bit).
#4. Goodness
If you have a voice that’s telling you to be a better person or to reconnect with someone or some aspect of your life, take it as a sign to learn and not as a sign that you are not doing well. This message is coming form your faith in something greater than yourself, whether it’s a God that you believe in, the universe, luck, your values and so forth. It’s coming from a positive place and it’s looking out for your best interest. Take notice of it.
As I mentioned before, let’s talk about how to tell the difference between your fear and your intuition.
Fear & Limiting Belief:
For this, you might need a mirror but a friend, especially one that you can see in person, is even better.
I’d like you to tell them your message from your intuition and ask them to watch out for your body’s first reaction.
For example, you’ve been asked to partner with someone to work on a project. If you tell your friend this and your face lights up, then go for it. If you’re body shrinks away even if you try to sound excited, then friend, run away. However, if you say it but your body lights up like a Christmas star even if there’s some fear there, it’s your intuition, telling you to go for it because you can work through that fear (it’s not a safety issue).
Big Takeaway:
The feelings that we talked about is your intuition.
The physical aspects, like someone screaming at you, is the sign.
Everything else we tell ourselves is the reasoning that we come up with.
So, watch for the physical signs but really listen to your feelings, especially when you see them come together. Deal with the reasoning after you listen and take action.
- We talked about the importance of listening to your intuition.
- We looked at 4 ways that intuition appears to us: Trust, Fear, Calling, and Goodness.
- We looked at the overlap between fear and intuition.
- If you’re faced with imposter syndrome, grab my free guide to help you and watch the video (links associated with this video).
- And we focused on the big takeaway, which I hope resonates with you. Again, remember to watch for the physical signs but really listen to your feelings, especially when you see them come together. Deal with the reasoning after you listen and take action.
Next Steps:
If you’re a mom with a teenage daughter who is looking to develop her self-confidence & self-esteem, then download the FREE guide by either clicking the following title, “The Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence, or the image,.” Being confident in yourself cuts through overwhelm like no one’s business.
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Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.
Take care,