The transition from fall or autumn to winter can be incredibly exhilarating because there’s so many exciting festivities that occur during this time. However, this is also the time for the flu season when many children stay at home and are sick for an extended period of time or, because it’s so cold, they end up staying indoors for most of the day.
The following four activities will motivate your students as they’re a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. You may find an edible piece in their too. These activities will also come in handy when you need to be flexible due to continuous disruptions to your schedule.
Actionable Steps:
#1. Create Art
Enjoy this time with winter art like guided drawings of penguins or a painting a winter scene. Little ones really enjoy this as it can be super fun but also a calming activity.
You can also have children build a snowman. If you don’t have snow, do it the STEAM way by grabbing some white marshmallows for the body, toothpick to put them together, some pretzels for the arms, mini colored sugar balls for the eyes, ears, and mouth and some black liquorice for the hat. The exciting part about this is that almost every aspect of it can be eaten after with the exception of the toothpicks. Take this activity to the next level with step #2.
#2. Write About Winter
Your students can then write about their experience of creating their snowman and can document their thoughts and the process as a way to get them engaged in writing.
For your older children, I have created picture writing prompts to help them feel connected to the season. This is more of a reflection or a free write activity based on the page either they choose or you choose for them. You can grab your copy by clicking HERE or on the following image.
If you’d like to enjoy more choices CLICK HERE or the images below.
#3. Feel Cozy
Depending on where you live, winter can be incredibly cold. Why not have your students come to school in their favorite school appropriate cozy pajamas. Have them find a spot in the room and enjoy reading a winter themed book or writing a winter themed story. Both of these activities can be shared with a partner.
To make your room even cozier, dim the lights and add some warm lighting. You may want to consider building a small fake and craft related fire so that students can sit around it while reading or writing.
#4. Take a Walk
Instead of staying indoors, enjoy the season by going outside for a walk. See what children can spot in nature. Have them look at their breath as they blow out if you live in a really cold area. If it’s snowing, your students can draw in the snow to share with the rest of the class.
Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:
- The importance of engaging in winter activities.
- Four strategies to help students enjoy the Winter season: create art, write about winter, feel cozy, and take a walk.
Free Resources:
In the mean time, if planning so that you’re ahead is not your jam, then check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate.
Next Steps:
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I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.
Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.
Take care,