March brings new life and Spring. With it, the sun starts shining and children want nothing more than to enjoy the outdoors.
The following activities are great for any age group in elementary school. Children can enjoy some time outdoors or in class while learning different subjects, engaging in play and enjoying STEAM activities. These activities are hands-on to make learning more exciting.
While these activities are specifically geared toward teachers, they can be used by homeschooling parents as well.
Keep reading to learn about 4 simple and fun March activities for elementary students.
Actionable Steps:
#1. Hunting For Treasure
Children love scavenger hunts, so why not integrate it into your social studies curriculum and pair it up with some St. Patrick’s Day fun.
If you’re working on developing students’ mapping skills, create a map with directions. Hide pretend gold, mark the spots with an “X” on your map and let them hunt, preferably in groups of 3-4 students.
If you have time, create different ones so that children have different spots to search and no one group gets more treasure than the other. This way it’s about cooperation over competition.
#2. Making Rainbows
Have your students make rainbows with white construction paper. They can decorate the rainbow with colored tissue paper to add texture. For a sparkly touch, include some glitter glue.
When students have completed their artwork hang it up on your bulletin board to brighten up your classroom or to brighten up someone’s day if you choose to put them on your bulletin board that’s outside your class.
#3. Creating Life
Spring is the time for new life. So, grab some seeds, a pot, some soil and water. Plant your seeds and watch them grow. If you have a school community garden, that’s a better option but either one will work.
This is a great way for children to give back to the earth, while learning to care for new life.
This will fit beautifully into your science unit. You can also teach children about the life cycle of their plant.
#4. Building Outside
Take your students outdoors and continue on with the theme of new life. Group your students and have them use the materials they see around them, such as sticks and grass, to create beautiful bird nests. They can share their creations with the class. This activity can be done individually but it’s better suited for groups of 3-4 students.
You can integrate this into your curriculum for art but you can also teach children about birds and how to live as part of your science lessons.
Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:
- The relevance of integrating creative activities into your March curriculum.
- Four simple and fun March activities for elementary students: hunting for treasure, making rainbows, creating life, and building outside.
Free Resources:
In the mean time, if planning so that you’re ahead is not your jam, then check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate.
Next Steps:
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Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.
Take care,