3 Simple Mother's Day Activities For Students - Colourful Teaching For You
3 Simple Mother's Day Activities For Students

Today we’re going to talk about three simple Mother’s Day activities for students.

Mother’s Day is around the corner.

Whether your students are celebrating their biological mother, a mother figure or a strong female figure in their life, it’s important for them to show their gratitude toward these wonderful ladies. Afterall, they’ve all helped in raising and caring for these beautiful children.

3 Simple Mother's Day Activities For Students

Their love can be shown through handmade items, which are truly priceless.

The following are three activities are easy to implement and require minimal preparation on your part.  

Actionable Steps:

#1. Heart of Love

Take a blank piece of cardstock paper. Have your children draw a big heart on it- big enough to fill the page. Inside of the heart, they can draw pictures of what their mother figure loves doing with them. They can then grab some small stamps with pretty sayings and stamp the outside with words of love.

Items needed: Cardstock and small stamps.

#2. Handmade Art

Have your students cover one of their palms with paint. They can then press their hand on to the center of the page so that they can see their handprint. After it dries, on each finger, have your students use a thin marker or pen and write one thing they love about the female that they’re creating this card for. In the center, they can draw an image of their mother figure.

Items needed: Cardstock, paint and a thin marker.

#3. Strong Ladies

Download these Mother’s Day Cards. and print them on either regular paper or cardstock and have your children answer fun questions about their mother-figure or engage in drawing about them. There are cards for all of the different women in your students’ life. Click the following image to download your cards. Beyond printing, there’s no prep required for it.

Items needed: Cardstock and Mother’s Day Cards.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The importance of demonstrating love to the strong mother figures in our students’ life.
  2. Three simple ways to do it: hearts of love, handmade art, and strong ladies.

Free Resources:

In the mean time, if you’re feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and burnout, then I encourage you to check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate.

Systematic Plan to Super Passionate

Next Steps:

I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below, please answer the following:

3 Simple Mother's Day Activities For Students

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I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


3 Simple Mother’s Day Activities For Students
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