Teaching goal-setting to kids is important to me because when I first moved to Canada, I struggled with low self-esteem. I felt like I couldn’t do anything. My teachers didn’t understand me and my home life was rough. Achieving wasn’t
Simple Ways to Create a Safe Place in the Classroom
Four ways to create a safe place in the classroom: whole class mindfulness, independent mindfulness, respect personal space, and discover learning opportunities.
How to Help a Child Who is Struggling to Read
Three ways to teach a child who is struggling to read: read together, make connections, and teach phonics.
Simple Ways to Create an Inclusive Classroom Environment
4 ways to create an inclusive classroom environment: focus on equity, encourage collaboration, create community, and cultivate safety.
How Can I Help My Child with ADHD or Autism Focus in School?
Three ways to help a child with ADHD or autism focus in school: decor, visual supports, and mini tasks.
How to Cope with Racing Thoughts for ADHD or Anxiety
Children with ADHD or anxiety aren’t always physically hyperactive or disruptive. Many children struggle with internal restlessness. In other words, we may not always see a child with ADHD or anxiety acting out because they are struggling internally with racing
How do You Complete an Assignment with ADHD?
How do you complete an assignment with ADHD: 1. chunk it up; 2. study partners; 3. hype it up; 4. destress.
Three Teaching Strategies for a Child with Down Syndrome
Three teaching strategies for a child with Down syndrome: use visuals, focus on pacing, and one-on-one attention.
How to Teach Students About the Meaning of Christmas
How to teach students about the meaning of Christmas: quick discussion, Christmas story, and differentiated reflection.
4 Simple Ways for Motivating Students With Learning Disabilities
Four simple ways for motivating students with learning disabilities: find understanding, use chunking, enjoy playing, and give agency.