Four simple ways to teach children about the meaning of Christmas: understand Christmas, learn through music, have a meaningful Christmas, and give a gift.
How do You Make Writing Exciting for Kids in December?
Three ways to make writing exciting for kids in December: write creatively, focus on community and create friendship cards.
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Respectfully in School
Three ways to celebrate Thanksgiving respectfully in school: teach gratitude, honor different historical voices, and make Thanksgiving fun.
Fun and Simple Summer Activities on a Budget
Fun and simple summer activities on a budget: play games, be artsy, engage in writing, and save big.
Special and Easy to Create Father’s Day Activities for Kids
Special and easy Father’s Day activities for kids: clay molds, words of love, and hammer of love.
3 Ways to Celebrate National Crayon Day at School
Three ways to celebrate National Crayon Day at school?: reuse, mural, and secret messages.
How to Teach Students About the Meaning of Christmas
How to teach students about the meaning of Christmas: quick discussion, Christmas story, and differentiated reflection.
Three Exciting Winter Activities for Students in School
Three exciting winter activities for students in school: play based, literacy based, and project based.
How to Make a Bulletin Board For a Classroom?
How to Make a Bulletin Board For a Classroom: find your theme, start with the outside, discover your background, and involve your students.
3 Simple Mother’s Day Activities For Students
3 simple and easy to create Mother’s Day activities for students: hearts of love, handmade art, and strong ladies.