How to Creatively Engage Students in the Classroom - Colourful Teaching For You

Today we’re going to talk about how to creatively engage students in the classroom.

Even though this article is written for teachers, it is valuable for homeschooling parents as well.

Often times, when our students exhibit undesirable behavior, many of us tend to reach into our magic box of classroom management strategies to get the class under control. While this may be required at times, it’s not always the answer.

Sometimes, your students may be fidgeting for the mere reason that they’re bored or they just don’t feel connected to their learning.

So instead of trying to “manage” them, let’s see if we can include them in four different ways because…

How to Creatively Engage Students in the Classroom

Before we continue, today’s episode is sponsored by The Colourful Teaching Club where we’ll ideas, such today’s topic and break it down into super actionable steps so that you get started right away. You’ll enjoy a hands-on approach with a step-by-step format to help you with long-term planning, self-care, rediscovering yourself beyond the classroom and forming deep connections with other teachers. If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burnout as a teacher, then my friend, The Colourful Teaching Club is for you.

Alright, let’s get into it:

Actionable Steps:

#1. Have Them Move

Have your children participate in play-based learning. This is not just for younger students but also for intermediate and high school students. Have them participate in activities that have them moving around the room and learning from each other.

#2. Include Their Voice

Teach your children how to reflect on their work. Talk to them the importance of making progress and mastering specific skills over time instead of trying to be perfect right away.

Once they’ve taken time to reflect, use their thoughts in their report cards, for parent-teacher meeting or for student-led conferences.

If you’re from British Columbia, Canada, use these core competencies as a way to have your children reflect on their learning:

  1. BC Core Competencies Self Reflection and Self Assessment Journal
  2. BC Core Competencies Self Assessment and Self Reflection Task Cards
  3. BC Core Competencies Self Reflection Journal for Primary Students
  4. BC Core Competencies Self Reflection Journal for Intermediate Students
BC Core Competencies Self Reflection and Self Assessment Journal
BC Core Competencies Self Assessment and Self Reflection Task Cards
3.	BC Core Competencies Self Reflection Journal for Primary Students
4.	BC Core Competencies Self Reflection Journal for Intermediate Students

If you’re from a different part of the world, check out these fabulous Reflection guides that are created for specific themes that you’re teaching.

#3. Sharing is Caring

Give your children a creative writing project and for those who enjoy being the center of attention, give them the opportunity to share their work with the class. You can also have them do this in small groups and have one child share for the group.

#4. Play with Projects

Implement project-based learning into your classroom. You don’t have to do this all of the time. Try one a year and then one a term. It will excite and motivate your children.

I’ve just created a project-based learning resource for my class to teach them about cultural acceptance. It integrates so many different skills, like reading, writing, art, socials studies and so much more. I also have children present their work to the class. My children loved working on this project because it allowed them to the freedom to go into as much depth as they chose. They got to lead their learning. Click the following image for more information:


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. We talked about the relevance of creatively engaging students in your classroom.
  2. We looked at four actionable steps that you can implement right away to engage your students: have them move, include their voice, sharing is caring, and play with projects.

Additional Thoughts:

You don’t need to implement all of the steps that have been outlined in this article, but remember to check in with your students and integrate the steps that they need.

In the mean time, if you’re still feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and burnout, then I encourage you to check out the following:

Systematic Plan to Super Passionate
The Colourful Teaching Club

Next Steps:

If you’d like additional resources for your classroom here are the three ways you can access them: 1) Free Resource Library; 2) At my store; 3) Systematic Plan to Super Passionate; 4) The Colourful Teaching Club.

If you found this video beneficial, would you do me a favour? Share this with your family, your friends, your loved ones, your co-workers or someone who you think could benefit from this. Thank you!

I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


How to Creatively Engage Students in the Classroom

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