From talking in class when they should be working, to name-calling and fist-fighting, children act out for various reasons. Most children don’t want to misbehave in school. They do it because they have big emotions and they don’t know how
4 Ways to Discipline to a Child Who Won’t Listen
Have you used or “teacher voice” or your “parent voice” and your kids still refuse to listen to you? Does it feel like the more you try to get your kids to listen, the more they turn away? The more
How to Teach Goal-Setting to Kids
Teaching goal-setting to kids is important to me because when I first moved to Canada, I struggled with low self-esteem. I felt like I couldn’t do anything. My teachers didn’t understand me and my home life was rough. Achieving wasn’t
4 Steps for Setting New Year’s Goals and Intentions
Four steps for setting New Year’s goals and intentions: reflect, focus on the why, choose your goal, and be methodical.
4 Simple Ways to Teach Children About the Meaning of Christmas
Four simple ways to teach children about the meaning of Christmas: understand Christmas, learn through music, have a meaningful Christmas, and give a gift.
How do You Make Writing Exciting for Kids in December?
Three ways to make writing exciting for kids in December: write creatively, focus on community and create friendship cards.
1 Fun Way to Engage Kids in Learning in December
A fun way to engage kids in learning in December: project based learning.
3 Simple Ways to Save Money on Black Friday
Three simple ways to save money on Black Friday: create your list, figure out your budget, and do your research.
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Respectfully in School
Three ways to celebrate Thanksgiving respectfully in school: teach gratitude, honor different historical voices, and make Thanksgiving fun.
3 Simple Ways to Host Thanksgiving on a Budget
Three simple ways to host Thanksgiving on a budget: create your budget, shop ahead of time, and include a potluck component