While a day plan usually consists of what a student needs to learn, how you will teach it to them and how their learning will be assessed, there’s more to a day plan than just that.
Teachers’ days consist of more than just a student and their learning. There’s more to a teacher’s life at school than teaching.
Today’s article is a more holistic outlook of a teacher’s day plan so you can account for those different aspects of your day.
The following four steps will help you stay on track. If at any point this becomes too much or you want to enhance your planning system, check out the FREE resource at the bottom of this article. You’re absolutely going to LOVE it.
If you’re looking for a teacher planning template and a step-by-step guide to help you stay organized and motivated, the following one was created with you in mind:
Actionable Steps:
#1. Teaching Portion
Make a note of all of the subjects you’re teaching for the day, along with a brief description of the activities that the students are participating in. Besides each subject, write down the approximate times so that a substitute teacher or your admin is aware of them as well. If you plan to use textbooks, make a note of the page numbers and any answer keys.
It’s also good to note the times of your recess, snack and lunch. For younger ones, if there’s a specific place where the children must play on the school grounds, note that as well.
#2. Extras
Look at what doesn’t fit directly into the teaching portion of your day and include that into this section of your day plan. For example:
- Write down your supervision times along with any extracurricular activities that you need to participate it.
- Are there any tasks that you need to focus on today?
- Note down anything that needs to be prepped, photocopied, emailed, or marked.
It’s important to write these down so that you don’t forget to do them.
#3. Prioritize
Ask yourself the following questions and highlight them:
- What are the three most important topics that you need to teach your students?
- What are the three most important tasks that you need to accomplish that day that aren’t related to teaching curriculum (the points that you wrote down under section #2, called Extras)?
Once you’ve highlighted them, start with the first one and work your way through your list. If you don’t get to the rest during your work day, leave it and come back to it the next day.
Prioritization helps you get the essentials completed without feeling like you didn’t get anything accomplished that day. It also allows you to focus on what NEEDS to get done instead of you spending time on tasks that can wait.
#4. Digitize
If you have any meetings or if you’re on supervision, put that into a calendar with an alarm so that it will alert you when you need to be somewhere.
You don’t need anything fancy so don’t go out and purchase anything expense. These apps should already be built into your phone.
Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:
- The importance of organizing your day beyond just what you’ll teach your students
- Four simple teacher organization system hacks to plan for the day: teaching portion, extras, prioritize, and digitize.
Free Resources:
In the mean time, if planning so that you’re ahead is not your jam, then check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate.
Next Steps:
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I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.
Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.
Take care,