Quick ways to write teachers comments on students’ progress report: stay positive, employ specific examples, and stay solutions oriented.
Tips To Survive Until the End of the School Year
Tips to survive until the end of the school year: get on it now, take it out, and focus on yourself.
Simple Ways to Integrate Student Self Reflection In Your Report Cards
Simple ways to integrate student self reflection in your report cards: quick reflection and detailed refection.
5 Simple Strategies For Teaching Students to Take Better Notes
5 strategies for teaching it to your students: comic strip, interview style, decorative journal, done for you, and talk it out.
How to Write Meaningful and Effective Report Card Comments
How to Write Meaningful and Effective Report Card Comments: 1. check your language; 2. personalize; 3. create a sandwich.
Why Cultural Diversity is Important for Students
Teach cultural diversity to students through: 1. discussion; 2. critical thinking; 3. practice cultural sensitivity.
5 Simple Strategies On How To Improve Self Esteem in Students
Teach students how to improve their self-esteem: self-acceptance, achieve goals, be grateful, understand limits, and healthy relationships.
Simple Teacher Organization System Hacks To Plan For The Day
4 simple teacher organization system hacks to plan for the day: teaching portion, extras, prioritize, and digitize.
5 Simple Lesson Planning Tips for New Teachers
5 ways to enhance your lesson planning skills: big picture, find go-to resources, create your template, differentiate, and assess and reflect.
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in Four Simple Steps
The need to compare ourselves to others can crush so many children’s spirits so let’s address how to help them move pass this feeling.