Quick ways to prepare for the upcoming school term: plan ahead, take inventory, and complete your marking.
Quick Ways to Prep for the Upcoming School Term

Quick ways to prepare for the upcoming school term: plan ahead, take inventory, and complete your marking.
How to organize your life as a teacher: your binders and folders, filing system, and plan your day.
How to start planning for the next school term: find the time, set your teaching goals, organize your time and find your group.
How to write a teacher daily plan: big idea, activities, assessment, materials and time.
Five simple bitesize ways to create your teacher plan: focus on the long term, narrow it down, get active, assess the work, and create your timeline.
4 ways for teachers to rejuvenate over the winter break: get that s**** done, love those cozies, get your groove on, and chat their ear off.
5 planning strategies to enhance your lesson plans.: learning objectives, the hook, activities, assessment closure.
4 simple teacher organization system hacks to plan for the day: teaching portion, extras, prioritize, and digitize.