Four ways to create a safe place in the classroom: whole class mindfulness, independent mindfulness, respect personal space, and discover learning opportunities.
How to Help a Child Who is Struggling to Read
Three ways to teach a child who is struggling to read: read together, make connections, and teach phonics.
How to Create a Good Routine for Kids?
Four ways to create a good routine for kids: create mini routines, place reminders, practice structure, and be flexible.
Simple Ways to Create an Inclusive Classroom Environment
4 ways to create an inclusive classroom environment: focus on equity, encourage collaboration, create community, and cultivate safety.
The Most Effective Ways to Handle a Difficult Child
Six most effective ways to handle a difficult child: the initial talk, create the plan, follow through, evaluate, and cycle back.
How do I Get my ADHD or Autistic Child to Complete a Task?
Three ways to get your child with ADHD or autism to complete a task: provide choices, break it down, and explain the rationale.
How Can I Help my Child with ADHD Study Better?
Three ways to help my child with ADHD study better: set up a work station, create a study schedule, and think about food.
How Can I Help My Child with ADHD or Autism Focus in School?
Three ways to help a child with ADHD or autism focus in school: decor, visual supports, and mini tasks.
How to Help My Child with ADHD or Autism Succeed in School?
Four ways to help your child with ADHD or autism succeed in school: time management, spatial awareness, tracking system, and fidget toys.
How to Help Your Child with ADHD Avoid Burnout?
The reasons why children with ADHD tend to burnout out quickly and how to help to help them avoid it: be passionate, learn to regulate, and find support.