Simple Back to School Survival Kit for New Teachers - Colourful Teaching For You
Simple Back to School Survival Kit for New Teachers

Today we’re going to talk about a simple back to school survival kit for new teachers.

If you’re a veteran, substitute teacher or a new teacher, you’ll want to keep these on hand to help your day go by smoothly.

If you’re a parent who is reading this article, these items are a great Back-to-School gift that you easily DIY for your child’s teacher. If you choose to put this together, please omit #7 as it’s a fairly personal choice for individual teachers.

The following items are inexpensive and easy to put together.

Simple Back to School Survival Kit for New Teachers

Actionable Steps:

#1. Chocolate

Depending on the day, you may need something sweet as s pick-me-up.

#2. Band-Aids

If your school doesn’t provide it, you’ll need it mend some unexpected wounds.

#3. A Charger

With all of the pictures you may want to take from your phone of your kids, you may run out of battery and need to charge it.

#4. School Supplies

You may have some children who aren’t able to get supplies or whose supplies don’t come in on time and you need to get started on your curriculum.

#5. Snacks

This is two-fold:

  • You may need them if you ever forget your food;
  • Your kids may forget their snacks or lunch and you’re not going to want to teach hungry children.

Grab some granola bars or some beef jerky as they’ll give you a boost of energy without the big sugar crash. They also store well for an extended period of time.

#6. Outdoor Gear

A pair of boots and an extra sweater or jacket because depending on where you live, you’ll need to be ready for any type of weather when it comes to supervision.

#7. Pain Medication

There are going to rough days when you need to take some medication to nurse your headache. This is not for your students. Please don’t give them anything. Your school should provide this to them as there are legal issues that go with giving students medication.

#8. Small Ball

If you’re stuck for things to do or your kids need a break, pull out a small soft ball and toss it around.

#9. Lip Balm

This is great for those dry days or when you’re talking too much and your lips get chapped.

#10. Water Bottle

You may run out of water or forget your tea or coffee. If you’re talking all day long, you’ll need to stay hydrated and you’re not going to want to be standing in line with your kids, waiting for that water fountain to free up.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The relevance of creating this survival kit whether you’re a teacher or a parent whose reading this article.
  2. 10 items to put into your new teacher survival kit: chocolate, Band-Aids, a charger, school supplies, extra snacks, outdoor gear, pain medication, small ball, lip balm and a water bottle.

Free Resources:

Enjoy these three resources by clicking on the images below:

Summer Challenge
3 Steps To Teach Children How to Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity
Systematic Plan to Super Passionate

Next Steps:

I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below, please answer the following:

Simple Back to School Survival Kit for New Teachers

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I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Simple Back to School Survival Kit for New Teachers
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