Setting Achievable Goals to Increase Your Productivity and Confidence - Colourful Teaching For You

Three steps to kick start your big dreams with actionable goals.

Last week we were in our Wa Wa Woom stage and enjoyed dreaming big. Now is the time to get down with it and start gaining some traction with them. 

To many people, this section is not as glamorous as last week’s post. However, if you implement the steps, I promise that you’ll start to see progress and feel great about this year. You are fully capable of accomplishing your goals because you’re a strong and worthy person.

So let’s get right to it. 

For this section, you’ll need to set aside a couple of hours, but you don’t have to do this in one sitting. HOWEVER,I strongly recommend doing this within the next day or two so that you can gain some momentum.

You’ll also want your planner, your bucket list from last week, a pen and a highlighter. Honestly, everything is so much more exciting with highlighters.

Before we continue you on, I have a FREE planning tool created for you that’s located at the end of this post but you can also grab yours by clicking HERE

Alright then, let’s get ready to rumble!

Bucket List

I want you to take that bucket list/big ideas list and beside each of them, write down which month you’ll work on each of them. The ones that are the most important should be completed first and therefore, should be scheduled for the first few months of 2021. For any item that doesn’t make it to this year’s schedule, pull out a highlighter and highlight them. You’ll either get back to them next year or you’ll fit them in at some point WHEN you have some time during the year, but it won’t be your priority this year.  This format can also be found in The High Achievers Roadmap.

Chunk It Up

Take the items that you wish to complete in January and February and write them down on two separate pieces of paper. Break down that large task into smaller ones. The objective is to assess which steps you need to take to reach your ultimate goal. You may need five steps, you may need 20. It doesn’t matter how many steps you need, write it down. 

Plan It

Oh my goodness! Here it comes! Take out your planner (paper, book or online). and slot those smaller goals into it. Putting everything into your calendar may seem like a daunting task, which is why you’re only only going to work on 2 months for now. Why should you bother? Look at it this way, if you don’t do it, you waste more time and energy working on the things that you don’t want to do or wont’ propel your life forward in any way. If you try to do this at the last minute, you’ll run out of big juicy spots as they’ll all be filled up with other items. So YES!  Please take out your planner and start scheduling in your chunkable tasks for the first two goals.

Final Thoughts

After you’ve put everything into your calendar AND set reminders for yourself, get started on working toward your goals. Over this upcoming week, spend time revising your chunkable tasks and see if you need to break them down even more. If you feel a sense of dread as you start working on your goals, go back to your big dreams and remind yourself about why you wanted to accomplish it in the first place. If you’d like to include your teenage children or high school students in on this goal setting awesomeness, stop by next week and we’ll delve into it together.

Thank you so much for joining me. I would love to hear about your progress in the comments below. For now though, grab your FREE planning sheets for this post and enjoy dreaming big and gaining momentum.

While the above roadmap is a great starting point for goal-setting, the following, which is a more comprehensive guide, will go into more depth and will focus on my 6 step goal-setting plan for success.

Your intermediate or middle school aged children can also join in on the fun.

For your young ones, we also have a way of having them plan with you.

Take care and Happy New Year,


Setting Achievable Goals to Increase Your Productivity and Confidence
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