How to Review Lessons With Three Interactive Art Activities - Colourful Teaching For You

Today we’re going to talk about how to review lessons with three interactive art activities.

Before we continue, I’m from Canada and this weekend, we’re celebrating Thanksgiving Day. Whether you’re a regular viewer or if you’re stopping by for this episode, I want to take a moment to say thank you. I appreciate you and am so grateful that you’re here.

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Do you want to teach your children outside-the-box thinking without having to constantly tell them to do it?

We know we have to teach this skill to them so that it becomes intuitive to them, but adding yet another topic to the mix, can be daunting. 

So, let’s do it in a way that’s engaging for our children without having to add another topic to our curriculum.

Do you want to know how?

Take a topic that you’ve already taught and add art to it. This process develops a child’s creative problem-solving skills. It enables them to picture and understand difficult concepts or a problem, analyze it and come up with ways to solve it. 

It also caters to a different form of learning, thereby capturing and holding the attention of students who may have otherwise lost their focus or interest in the topic.

The following are three ways to integrate interactive art activities into your review process so that your children are engaged.

Actionable Steps:

#1. Quick Sketches

Instead of having children merely summarize their learning by writing or verbally answering questions, have them draw it out with the added caveat of timing them. Make sure they know that this is not being marked but it’s for them to see what they remember. This adds excitement to their work. 

If you have them share their work in groups, they’ll have the added bonus of learning form each other.

This process will teach your children how to think and make quick decisions.

#2. Whole Class Review Sketches

Take a specific topic or concept that you’re working on, have a student start a drawing to showcase their learning. They’ll then pass it on to the next person, who will add to it until every child in your class has had a chance to add to their drawing.

You can then showcase the final copy to the class and have a review session based on the drawing. It would also be an added bonus, if you posted this up in your class so that your students can review the learning in multiple ways and at times other than the immediate review sessions.

Beyond reviewing learned concepts, this also teaches children how to work on and solve a problem together.

#3. Collage Review Sketches

For this activity, have your students create a collage of their learning by either drawing, or cutting and pasting from magazines, or use a combination of both.

This develops a child’s ability to think outside-the-box if they need to piece this collage together with magazines and drawing as it requires some abstract thinking on their part.


  1. We’ve talked about the importance of integrating art into your review lessons.
  2. We looked at three ways of integrating this into your curriculum: Quick Review Sketches, Whole Class Review Sketches, and Collage Review Sketches
  3. Within each section, we also discussed how it would teach children to think creatively.

Additional Thoughts:

I hope this helps you.

Remember to download your free planning guide and get started right away. Visit my Free Resource Library.

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If you’d like additional resources for your classroom here are the three ways you can access them: 1) Free Resource Library; 2) At my store; or 3) The Creative Child Community.

Next Steps:

If you found this video beneficial, would you do me a favour? Share this with your family, your friends, your loved ones, your co-workers or someone who you think could benefit from this. Thank you!

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


How to Review Lessons With Three Interactive Art Activities
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