How to Help Students Set Achievable Goals - Colourful Teaching For You
How to Help Students Set Achievable Goals
How to Help Students Set Achievable Goals

For teachers, setting goals is second nature for us. We plan what we teach on a daily basis.

However, this is not the case for most of our students. While they may understand the goal of the day or how to write a test, planning ahead doesn’t come naturally to most students.

When teachers provide students with the tools they need to create realistic goals from their big dreams, their chances of success skyrockets, which in turn develops their growth mindset, self-esteem and self-confidence. This form of planning creates intrinsic motivation and empowers students.

Actionable Steps:

#1. Brainstorm Together

Start by sharing one of your goals with your students. It doesn’t need to be personal. For example, “I want to improve my ability to project when I sing.”

Then have students share their goals with the class so that they can help inspire each other. After that, have students write down an academic and a personal goal that they want to achieve this school year.

#2. Tease It Out

Show students how you break down your big goal into small and manageable steps. For example, “I will spend 15 minutes every alternate night working on vocal exercises,” “I attend voice lessons once a week,” and ” I’ll practice belting techniques the other alternate nights.”

Remind your students that it doesn’t have to take long but putting in some time and writing it down will help them make progress.

Then have a few students share their steps with the class before having your students write it down on paper.

In order to really help your students break down and truly understanding their goals and how it relates to different aspects of their lives, engage your children in the following resources.

In order for you to help scaffold your students, the following resource was created with you in mind.

If you’re a mom, you can use the following planner. You can get yours at my teacher store or from Etsy.

#3. Be Specific

Once they’ve got their specific steps down, have them put it into their calendar. You can scaffold this for them by first showing them how to do it using your own goal, followed by them doing it, and then have them share their work with a partner in case they have any questions.

#4. Do It

Have your students start right away and make records of their progress.

Turn it into a challenge with you doing it alongside them.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The importance of teaching students how to set goals.
  2. How to help students set achievable goals: brainstorm together, tease it out, be specific, and do it.

Free Resources:

If your children are struggling to hand in assignments on time, check out the following video training: 3 Steps to Teach Children How to Overcome Procrastination to Increase Productivity.

In the mean time, if you’re feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and burnout, then I encourage you to check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate.

Systematic Plan to Super Passionate

Next Steps:

For calm down areas on a budget, for your students who have autism, CLICK HERE.

If you found this video beneficial, would you do me a favor? Share this with your family, your friends, your loved ones, your co-workers or someone who you think could benefit from this. Thank you!

I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


How to Help Students Set Achievable Goals

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