How to Discipline a Stubborn Child - Colourful Teaching For You
How to Discipline a Stubborn Child

Being stubborn isn’t always a negative thing. Many people, including myself and my eldest son have a streak of stubbornness in us. It’s all in how that attitude is used.

For example, when I feel like something is unjust, I voice my thoughts and I don’t back down. When my child has been hurt by someone, mama bear will come out. There’s a time and a place for stubbornness.

If your child is being stubborn to get their way, even when it isn’t a good idea, you can hone in on this energy and teach them how to use it for the better.

Stubborn children aren’t necessarily difficult to parent or teach because they aren’t bad children but they can be challenging. Therefore, it will take a lot of energy and patience but you can do it.

The following steps will walk you to through how to disciple a stubborn child.

Actionable Steps:

#1. Be a Role Model

Model for your children what it’s like to be stubborn and how it can be used for good instead.

Think out loud when you’re trying to make a decision. When a situation doesn’t go according to plan, model how you self regulate instead of using physical or verbal violence. It means that you shouldn’t spank or belittle them either as it will only confuse them.

#2. Understand Perspectives

Listen to your child and hear what they have to say. Why do they want to do a certain thing or want a specific item? How will it help them? Is there another option?

A lot of the times, a child will throw a tantrum or show extreme anger if they feel that they aren’t being heard. Just like me, when I feel like something is wrong, I stand up and speak my piece. A child will do it in a different way. It’s important to hear them out and then move on to the following step.

#3. Give Options

Once you listen to them, give them options of what they can do. Only give them two or three choices or it will be overwhelming for the child.

Focus on what is possible and not what is impossible. One choice needs to be the obvious one and the other needs to be farfetched so that they’ll choose the one that’s in their best interest.

Many people will say that the choices should be equal and it can, but only once your child is able to make good choices for themselves. When they are young or learning how to make good choices, following this method will help them with this.

The following resource will also help your choice make good choices. Clicking on the image will take you to the paid resource.

You can also get the FREE VERSION of this by CLICKING HERE.

#4. Provide Rewards

Often we focus on the negative behavior and we give them that a lot of attention but we forget about the positive ones. A child who is seeking attention may stubbornly make a poor choice to receive the desired attention. However, if we reward positive behavior, this can help steer your child in the right direction.

The rewards don’t have to be momentous. They can be small, like having a piece of candy or giving them some special 1-1 time with you.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The importance of caring for and loving your stubborn child.
  2. How to disciple a stubborn child: be a role model, understand perspectives, give options, and provide rewards.


The following is FREE. It will show you how to create the space. These resources can be found in my FREE RESOURCE LIBRARY.

Disclaimer: I’m a teacher and a parent. I’m not a medical professional, so please don’t take this as medical advice. The advice that I provide in my videos and online are strategies that I have used in my own class or at home that have worked beautifully.

How to Discipline a Stubborn Child

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