30 Summer Activities

This year has been incredibly difficult on everyone. Teachers have been trying to find ways to help their students navigate the online world and parents have been helping their children learn either remotely or in class. Nevertheless, summer is upon us and for many of us, including myself, travel plans are non-existent. Many parents have been baffled about how to keep their children occupied so that can have some much needed “me time.”
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could have that time to sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee without someone needing something from us? Wouldn’t it also be great if we could keep our children busy by committing their time to educational work so that they are learning and having fun at the same time?
I don’t like “busy work” but I do prefer having children learn so that they are ready for the following school year, while simultaneously indulging in their natural curiosity. The following are my suggestions for you and my challenge for your children.
This message is coming to you form the point of view of a teacher and a parent, so let’s get started. Click on the picture below to download your FREE Summer Activities plan. You do not need to subscribe to anything to obtain your copy.
If you want an additional guide to help with the planning process, click the following picture.
For additional summer activities, click the picture below.
Once you’ve had a chance to read this article, I’d love to hear from you.
What is one summer activity that you plan to start today?
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Important: While your thoughts are greatly appreciated, links to other posts, videos, etc. that are not relevant to this topic will be removed.
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