Before we dive in, if you don’t have it already, I want to give you my High Achiever’s Roadmap To Success so that you can take your big dreams and really fly with it. It’s a simple planner to help you take action right away in a focused and organized manner. You can download it for free by going to the link that’s associated with this video.
Before I continue, this article is directed specifically toward your teens but if you, as an adult, need it, come and join us.
Let’s Get Started
Before we dive in, if you don’t have it already, I want to give you my High Achiever’s Roadmap To Goal-Setting so that you can take your big dreams and really fly with it. It’s a simple planner to help you take action right away in a focused and organized manner. You can download it for free by going to the link that’s associated with this video.
What big dream do you have that seems too grand or unrealistic to others? Have you ever been told that your head is in the clouds?
Do people tell you to “Go to school, keep your head down, get good grades, and get a secure job.”
Guess what!
It’s what I’ve always been told.
But if we let these dreams, go, they will get bigger over time.
I’m a teacher so yes, I have a good job, but guess what! I also create resources on the side and when I was told that grad school wasn’t something I should think about because I was married and needed to have a family, I decided to both. I had my baby while I was studying. I rocked him to sleep with one hand and typed my essay with the other. There’s a picture on Instagram where I’m studying with him. I read journal articles to him while I was pregnant instead of just picture books. I’m ambitious. I have big dreams and every time I dared to dream, there was always someone there to tell me that I needed to rest or that I was overdoing it.
Is this you? Do you feel this way?
Then I’m here to show you how to take your power back in 4 quick ways, because my friend, if you were given that dream, it is for a reason.
Your purpose is to see it through and my purpose is to show you how, so let’s do this.
Actionable Steps:
#1. Visualize
I want you to visualize your dream. In other words, I want you to see this big dream as though it’s actually happening to you at this moment. Live it in your mind. Make note of the 5 senses: What do you see? What do you feel? What do you taste? What do you smell? Feel it all. When you’re ready, move on to the next step.
#2. Put It Down
Take out a piece of paper and do the following two things:
- Sketch it out. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Just a rough sketch to make sure you see it on paper when you need it most.
- Write down everything about your dream in vivid detail. Make sure to answer the questions about the 5 senses as well. This can be done in point form but put it all down.
When someone tells you that you can’t do something, you’ll know you can because your head is no longer in the clouds since you’ve noted it down. Being on paper means that you’re already part of the way there, so let’s keep going.
#3. The Source
There will always be people who’ll tell you that you can’t do something. I want you to take a moment and consider the source. Who is it that tells you this? What have they accomplished? Do they have any experience in this area?
For example, If you wanted to go skydiving, would you take advice from someone who has never done it before? No! It wouldn’t make any sense as that person has no idea what it’s like or the prep work you may need to take this on. This same principle applies to your big dream. It doesn’t matter if it’s your aunty or friends. If they’ve dared to big dream and actually work on their dreams, more specifically in an area related to yours, then their opinion, while interesting, doesn’t count in this situation. Find multiple reliable sources and get their take on It instead so that you have actual evidence to back up your ideas.
#4. Action
Visualizing, putting down your dream on paper and evaluating the source of nay-sayers is good but taking action is so important in accomplishing your dream. The action doesn’t have to be huge; it can be small but consistent action toward your goal will also help eradicate all of those doubts that you may have yourself or others may be planting inside of your mind. Action, my friend, is the antidote to fear.
So I want you to think about this question: What is one thing that you can do this week or today to get you closer to your big dream? Do you need to get a job? Perhaps you need to learn a new language or a new skill?
Take that one small step and feel the joy that embraces you as you start to live your dream.
I BELIEVE in you. I know you can do this.
You’re not alone. We’re all in this together.
According to Tony Robbins, “the only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”
So, today, you’re going to begin. Let’s recap the steps you’re going to take.
- Download your High Achiever’s Roadmap To Goal-Setting.
- We talked about the importance of having a big dream
- We came up with 4 actionable steps:
This is possible, my friend.
Next Steps:
If you’re having a difficult time with this, ask for help. You can also join the waitlist The Creative Child Community to go into more details & take action about topics like this. Click the image below to be the first to be notified of our next opening.
In the meantime, if you’re want to dive deeper check out this FREE PLANNER and this COMPREHENSIVE PAID PLANNER.
You can dive even deeper wit these additional planners (depends on your age).
If you found this video or article beneficial, would you do me a favor? Share this with your family, your friends, your loved ones, your co-workers or someone who you think could benefit from this. Thank you!
Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.
Take care,