3 Benefits of Public Speaking for Students in High School - Colourful Teaching For You
3 Benefits of Public Speaking for Students in High School

Today we’re going to talk about 3 benefits of public speaking for students in high school.

Public speaking in high school is a great way of building personal and professional development. It improves their thinking, communication and professional aspects of their life. It also great on their resumes and opens up many job opportunities for them.

Encourage your children to get of their comfort zone by helping them see the benefits that public speaking has to offer them.

The following three benefits for engaging children in public speaking in high school. You’ll also receive some quick tips to help you get started on your journey in teaching this important skill.

Actionable Steps:

#1. Thinking Skills

Before your students get up and speak, give them the opportunity to do some research so that they know exactly what they want to talk about and can then develop a speech to develop their communication skills that’s outline in the following step.

This step ensures that children develop critical thinking skills when they are expected to sift through different viewpoints to come up with a cohesive one when they present their ideas.

Beyond coming up with a speech, they must learn to tailor it to their audience so that their message is understood and well received by their audience.

#2. Communication Skills

Children will learn how to articulate their thoughts in a concise way, especially if they’re given a time limit for how long they can speak. First start with giving them more time and after a few months, reduce it by a minute at a time so that your children are forced to stay on topic.

Public speaking also requires children to improve their diction, messaging, framework and the manner in which they communicate to their audience. Students will need to learn to engage their audience so that they don’t stop paying attention or fall asleep.

Their ideas will need to be organized and coherent, and they’ll need to learn to be able to speak on the spot when someone asks them a question.

#3. Professional Skills

In this step, students learn how to stand in front of their audience in order to convey their message. They learn how to start and end their presentation so that they captivate their audience’s attention. They must also learn how to dress for the occasion and engage with others appropriately when they have a question or an opinion.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The importance of teaching public speaking to high school students.
  2. Three aspects of their life it will enhance with teaching tips: thinking skills, communication skills, and professional skills.

Learn With Me:

If you’re a teacher or a parent, this is for you.

If you’re looking to teach your students about public speaking or if you have children who are scared of getting up and presenting their ideas, then I’ve got the PERFECT solution for you.

I’m hosting a Live (not a course) 6-week public speaking program for:
1) Teachers: show you how to teach it to your students: CLICK HERE IF YOU’D LIKE TO JOIN!

2) Parents: to teach your children how to compile and articulate their thoughts:

3 Benefits of Public Speaking for Students in High School

Free Resources:

If your children are struggling to hand in assignments on time, check out the following video training: 3 Steps to Teach Children How to Overcome Procrastination to Increase Productivity.

3 Steps To Teach Children How to Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity

In the mean time, if you’re feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and burnout, then I encourage you to check out the following: FREE MASTERCLASS: Systematic Plan to Super Passionate

Systematic Plan to Super Passionate

Next Steps:

If you found this video beneficial, would you do me a favor? Share this with your family, your friends, your loved ones, your co-workers or someone who you think could benefit from this. Thank you!

I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


3 Benefits of Public Speaking for Students in High School
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