How To Teach Students to Overcome Procrastination While Studying - Colourful Teaching For You
How to Teach Students to Overcome Procrastination While Studying

Do you procrastinate?

Everyone one does to an extent, don’t they?


I wrote an article last year that answer’s this very question: What is Procrastination and Five Myths About Procrastinators.

HOWEVER, there’s more to it than just those. There can be some deeply rooted psychological issues as well.

Whatever the reason, our job as educators is to figure it out, address them, and then help your students work through the following steps instead of just giving them assignments and hoping that they’ll give you their best work. You know that’s not going to happen for most students, right? This is why this article outlines four steps to help you get started.

How To Teach Students to Overcome Procrastination While Studying

When you teach the following steps to them, over time, it will become a habit for your class and other aspects of their life. It will also benefit you in regards to classroom management as you won’t need to chase after your students or their parents for missed or late assignments.

Actionable Steps:

#1. Find Your Focus

Teachers, do this step with your students.

So many times, we give them an assignment and expect them to get work on it. However, many children feel overwhelmed and end up working on the assignments at the last minute.

Have your students make a note of the three assignments that are almost due. Three is the magic number here otherwise it can become to overwhelming for your students. Then have the break it down into small chunks of what needs to completed and then schedule them into their planner. This is step is especially great for young ones because parents can see what needs to be worked on. If your students.

The calendar for the High Achiever’s Roadmap Planners will be updated on a yearly basis for FREE.

#2. Find Your Space

Have your students draw out the type of space that they consider to be their ideal learning environment. Is it a quiet space like a library or their room? Perhaps they need some white noise, like having some music playing in the background. Do they need to sit on a chair or stand? What about lighting and clutter?

Then have them find or create this ideal space.

#3. Let’s Get Groovy

Have your children figure out how they learn best and have them integrate it into their assignments so that they have more fun with it.

If you’re looking to learn more about steps 2 and 3, check out the mini-course, Procrastination to Productivity For Intermediate and High School Students.

The course also covers step #4 in depth.

#4. Have A Blast

Have an incentive plan in place for your students. Have them create mini-incentives for themselves and you can all create a big one together to motivate your children. This is the part that students really look forward to.


Let’s recap really quickly. Today, we looked at the following:

  1. The relevance of teaching your students how to overcome procrastination.
  2. Four strategies to help them start studying: the top three, find your space, let’s get groovy, and have a blast.

Free Resources:

In order to help your children move past procrastination, click this link or the image below to get access to my FREE video training that will outline 3 ways that you can help you children move past procrastination so that they can be productive.

3 Steps To Teach Children How to Overcome Procrastination and Increase Productivity

Next Steps:

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How To Teach Students to Overcome Procrastination While Studying

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I’ll see you next Friday at 5:30pm PST.

Until I see you next time, remember to create, experience & teach from the heart.

Take care,


How To Teach Students to Overcome Procrastination While Studying

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