To Behave Or Not Behave! That Is The Question! I just spent two days at a Professional Development Conference to learn about autism and how to be a positive role model for children. I learned so much but given that

To Behave Or Not Behave! That Is The Question! I just spent two days at a Professional Development Conference to learn about autism and how to be a positive role model for children. I learned so much but given that
A Moment of Thanks! I woke up this morning and realized…. It’s Thanksgiving! I LOOOOOOVE Thanksgiving! It makes me so happy because we get to share in this beautiful moment of giving thanks for all of our blessings. I am
My Voice … Literally!!! Hi! My name is Charlotte and I am a teacher and a lifelong learner. I am also the face behind Colourful Teaching For You. I decided to just speak out today because I find that a
We Are All Superheroes! My favorite superhero is without a doubt, Superman. I have watched every episode of The Adventures of Dean Cane and Lois Lane multiple times, along with all of the other movies and television shows that go
Live Your Most Colourful Life! We were all created for a reason and we are all here to touch the lives of those who live in our community and in the world. Know that by smiling or saying hello to
Stepping into September Sale!!!! As the new school year unwinds, gather everything you need for term 1. There are lot of fun activities and games to keep you and your students engaged for hours on end. 20% OFF EVERYTHING Sale!
Creativity Has No Bounds A few months ago, I wrote about the concept of Creative Thinking. I looked at the purpose behind it and how I analyzed their projects. What I hoped for but did not expect, was for my
Sugar Free Alternatives! Is It Even Possible? Consuming sugar in large amounts has been a hot topic issue for a while. I absolutely love sugar to a point that I tend to over consume it.I used to eat 3-5 chocolate
August Half Off Sale!!!! The new school year starts again in a few months. To help you out, check out my: August Half Off Sale! ALL of my Fall / Autumn activities are 1/2 OFF for August 31st only! Come
Back to School Sale!!!! It’s almost that time of the year again: Back to School!On August 1st & 2nd, EVERYTHING in my store is on #SALE!!!! For awesome back to school activities, social & emotional tools, language arts or #math