Three simple ways to host Thanksgiving on a budget: create your budget, shop ahead of time, and include a potluck component
How to Teach Gratitude in the Classroom or at Home
Three simple ways to teach your kids about gratitude: learn and reflect, love your peers, and show appreciation.
Engaging Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving in the Classroom
Engaging ways to celebrate Thanksgiving in the classroom: The Thanksgiving Hunt, The Thanksgiving Mat, and The Thanksgiving Feast.
3 Simple and Respectful Remembrance Day Classroom Activities
Three simple and respectful Remembrance Day classroom activities: read books, be inviting, and show gratitude.
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Respectfully
How to celebrate Thanksgiving respectfully: focus on the land, read culturally appropriate books, learn about the words, and teach gratitude.
4 Ways Teachers Can Work Well With Parents
4 ways teachers can work well with parents: provide sneak peaks, have open communication, be inviting, and show gratitude.
5 Easy Mental Health Activities for Students
5 Easy Mental Health Activities for Students: 1. calm down; 2. hands-on activities; 3. musical awareness; 4. break; 5. practice gratitude.
A Simple Way to Teach About the Things to be Grateful for as a Teenager
3 activities to teach teenagers how to connect to gratitude in a meaningful way: exploration, reflection, and connection.
5 Simple Strategies On How To Improve Self Esteem in Students
Teach students how to improve their self-esteem: self-acceptance, achieve goals, be grateful, understand limits, and healthy relationships.
5 Simple Strategies for Teaching Gratitude to Elementary Students
5 strategies for teaching gratitude to students: love nature, gratitude challenge, gratitude book, thankful activity, and be supportive.